Saturday, 24 October 2009

Little hands and the feeble voice

Here and there, i kept moving around..
A voice that was familiar went on and on...Looked around but could not see the one..
Was it for real or was it a hallucination. It could not have been the voice that could have faded!

I looked for the reason i heard that one.. I stayed there for a while to let it sink..
i was not just moving in but i was also moving away..
Away from the world away from the noise...
from all the ones whom i hadnt heard, whom i hadnt met.. i was gone long time back.

I wanted to say oh dear can you help me find the way? But what way was that.. the way that lead to Heaven.. the way that led me to the little unborn who was away with me..

A little boy whom i had seen a liitle hand that helped me.. a Small little life whom i couldnt even see.. and went away without having said a word to me..

I was lost.. i was away and i was waiting for the day to see the little life again..

Friday, 23 October 2009

Movie that Inspired me..Benjamin Button

A night that changed a lot for me....

It was just a normal day.. a day where things moved the way they did everyday..
An evening which started with a gloom.. an evening which was surrounded by..
people who were in love and had a day they could celebrate..

I sat at home.. i sat alone.. i pulled out a CD which had touched my heart..
The movie which had inspired me.. the man who had lived after all the things!

A movie which made me cry... a movie which touched my soul..
I watched Benjamin Button and that was all that kept me thinking
A night which was unforgettable..for it changed a lot in me!

I learnt how the world is made up of perceptions, i learnt how people took things at what they saw..
I saw the man who won some hearts just by being what he was..

Benjamin is the one who swept me off my feet..
This is yet another movie which has inspired me to live just the way i want to..

Yet another man who makes me believe that dreams are for real..
Live life everyday and rest is all that god will take care..

Make the most and enjoy this day..for this day and this moment will not come back again.


Monday, 31 August 2009

How i kept up my faith when I knew it is to worsen!

Life revolves around family, friends, college, and more Fun..
A person who never cared for anything that could have happened!
A happy go lucky person by nature,..but cannot take a NO for an answer..
Learnt at a young age about how people and the world around you needed the positive
Saw the family who believed in helping the people doing things selflessly!
I thank my family for having me given the opportunity to fight my ways everytime..

A day never passed when i dint do something creative..till the time i felt I did it!
A go getter and a motivator..i held up a lot of things that came on my way..
Loved the subjects i studied and gave myself totally to what i did..
the passion.. the zeal.. the fire that i did everything was appreciated and gave light to things which were dark.
Just a day before the last day of college.. a day before the last exam of the subject i wanted to further study..
I was in the hospital.. getting a biopsy done..for the disease which is auto immune by nature and a disease which is not energy left in me..
Everyone thought and said leave the exam..i was determined to go to the UK and pursue my Dream.
A dream which i had seen for 3 years, a dream which everyone in my family had dreamt!
I wanted to complete the exam that was left..with droopy eyes and with no energy to write..
I gave the exam and went back home.. did not attend the calls nor respond to the SMS's
was just wondering was life really going to end?

Remembered what i was told a few years never quit and quitters never win..
I knew i could not pursue my dream..i was broken..many restrictions i have..
Many medications i take..things weaken me.. but my spirit and will is strong..
I shook myself and promised..never will i weaken my will..until i say a good bye.
I will survive till the time i bid adeau..i am here to accomplish my goal..
A goal which i decide everyday of my life!

I am glad to have taken such steps..and thankfull to my family who have held me at every weak moment!
Believed in me..and had the faith..i am here to be the best i can.


Sunday, 30 August 2009

Movies and Books - Cut!

Read a lot of books, watched a lot of movies..cried at the twist and turns that happen!
Looked at the clothes..felt a little tempted to buy them.looked at the location.
Got a little dream of going and putting up there! The high heals and the dance moves..
The lights and the cars.. the roads and the hills... i dream a dream which i would like to be..
It changes..every book i read .. every movie i watch i see a little me that i wanna be..
It teaches me a lot.. i value the openness that films have got..
The dialogues and the songs. the emotions and the drama..
Its all true that happens with all of us!

When i read a book.. i thought it was funny to feel that way..
when i was in the same mood.. i behaved the same funny way...
life is all written like a book.. we just play the parts that we have been made for..

We meet a few we leave a few.. because we have to learn from what happens to us..
Be ready for the next.. its alwyas going to be fun.. when you look back and say!
God! Did i have nothing else to do? Did i just ract that way!
So let everything go just the way it is..dont fight for things that are not happening.
Its best to be like the water which is forever flowing!

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Transition from Happy to Where is Happiness state!

Once upon a time...when i was a little girl.. just a few months old..
Things were just about ME...what i liked others did.. what i wanted others did..
No one actually minded when they did things for little me..

It was a state where i dint know what being happy or sad is!
Parents, relatives and neighbours what i did.. what they could do for little me!

I cried.. they all came to me and gave all that they could find to make me Smile..
they coochi coed me,.. they hugged me.. they loved me even when i gave them sleepless nights!
all i did was cry and smile..for everthing that i needed i had it all..

I grew up a little..i learnt to speak..i tried to immitate what i saw around me..
Did the same,spoke the same.. but still people said.. this is wrong!

I got confused as to why was it wrong when i heard from people around!
people said wrong and right which was all copied from them..

i started crying as they said i was wrong as till then nothing i did was measured..

Little later when i started to crawl.. i saw a boy and started to follow when he called..
I liked the lollipop which he showed me.. they stopped me.. picked me up in their arms..

Showing me the wicked eyes,.. they said.. baby this is wrong..dont trust a person or go out!!
This also took the freedom off going my way....this takes away a bit of happiness in me again.

I look at the bed and say a small prayer..god is this how happiness goes away!
dreams that i had the next day...God said.. live the life you want to live..

Rules are made by them.. not by Me..Follow your heart and trust thy self..
happiness is what you love to be and not what you are made by other there!

So now i realize why we are born happy and slowly happiness moves away...:)

Do what your heart says and this will never let a day be unhappy for you!

Saturday, 15 August 2009

How would it be!

A house which is between the lake.. a living which i can only just imagine about...
A cat which is just too soft like a bundle of cotton.. walks around the house..
I lay there and play with the water which keeps flowing..
Trying to see understand what i actually want to do with me..
A question arose as to what will i be after a 5 years from now?
I look at the clouds and i see an image of myself..
An image which shook me and when i look back at the water..
I just realize that its just going to be what i imagine and think of myself to be!

The water which flows all the time.. my thoughts are the same..
The thoughts which i make the thoughts which will make me!

Never did i realize of myself as the water which flows.. i will keep flowing..
As there is noway i can be at the same place where i am.. my thoughts have moved..
And so have I.. i am the same.. witha new experience.. which makes me just better!

I will survive with the best in me.. will try to make this life the best i could ever live!

I get the opportunity to knwo myself.. like the flowing river i will keep moving!

I look up again and see myself as the person i wished to be..
A person who is smiling all the while! The life which i will always want to live like!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Monsoon Calling....

The morning chillness, the warm sun rays..
I wake up tugged under the blanket..feeling the chill breeze that makes me lazy..
The trees which look fresh, flowers which smile at us!
Long days and cold nights, the feeling of monsoon arises...

Showers of rain that drop during the evening.. the kids playing with paper boats,
in the puddle o water.. a few jump on them a few run on them..
everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather that has already come!

lovers meet at the water side, enjoy the beauty of water and sit aside..
the clouds grow dark..a lightening strike i see.. the thunder i hear...
i cuddle up and close my eyes.. this was how i was at the age of 5..
I ran to my grandpa... he smiled at me.. he lift me up and took me out,
We ran in the rain.. we smile and jump on the water...

He takes me on the scooter to eat the hot corn..
I enjoy the warmth that i get while eating that hot corn..

The monsoon is here and i feel like becoming a 5 year old again!

The soft drops of water that fall on my face.. the happiness that i feel..
Is just unmatchable.. i am so happy to have the rains!

I welcome the rains with my arms wide open..
I thank god that finally the monsoon has come again!

Friday, 17 July 2009

A tall Building - A window!

Walking past the crowd..people walking in their own world..

there are people who are talking on their phone, people who are in groups..

walking together and laughing aloud, kids running with their school bags on..

A place that was so crowded yet something came across..

while i gaze on top of the building..a huge window and a man with a lady in his arm i see..

The lady who looked so content with the man around her..

her cheeks flushed with the beauty of love in them.. the man was all that she would look at!

I saw them and stopped.. they kept looking at the crowd together...standing at a distance..

I bring my eyes back to the road that i had to travell..but fail to bring back..

the couple that i just saw.. the love that bound them together..the love that floored me..

I look back to the window and i cannot see them anymore...i stand there and wait..

realizing a crowd thats standing below the building..i go back and enquire..

Just to see the couple die on the road i had just walked..the couple whom i had just seen together

My heart felt the pain..i looked at them and still see their hands looked in each others..

This is the love that the world had not approved off, the love which just died a death of sorrow!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Ambitious Little one :)

Small little toes that wanna fly over the world,

tiny little hands that open to take everything in,

babbles that make the people go crazy..

Images that the little one stores..sounds that it listens to..

looks like the world bends down to salute the new being..

The being which has come to change things.!

The small feet which walk up to cover miles..

The hands which wish to touch the limits it sees.. 

No society it cares for.. the little guy has started to make his own world..

A world which has become his ideation..the world which he has made,

he believes in the dream he dreams..the image he builds..

all the while its just a new begining which will 

Saturday, 11 July 2009

An imagination - a road!

With a smile so bright, an image i see which captures my attention,

I walk till i find that girl in the frame..the girl who caught my attention just with her smile..

A smile which came in my life..and took me away to a place where i stretch my arms and stay!

Stay for her till she comes.. the way she mezmerized and swept me away.

Its a day i stay there waiting for her.. an image i see yet again..

the image which took me further on my way.. i keep moving..

I keep exploring..until i fnd a way..where i see a young boy who looks like me..

Looks like he is talking to the image i had seen.. the girl right next to him..

The girl..saying with a soft feable voice that i can hardly hear..

the eyes which I had seen, had the glitter, which is reflecting Me!

My dream to meet the girl.. my dream to achieve the goal..

I learnt from my dream to chase behind things which you aim for!

Keep walking till you find it..keep moving till you achieve it ..

And this is the way i will achieve my walking through the road..

The road which is full of curves..a road which is more than just a path..

Its my goal.. and i am determined to achive it and i know god is there..

To make a path which will lead me there! Which will help me dream further! 

A moment :)

Last night i lay awake looking at the stars in the sky, 

i see the way life goes and how i manage my days!

The short moments that i live! The fun filled moments i dont wish to miss..

All that i can capture just to stay here for ever! 

The days which may never be back.. the moments which may just be a flash back!

I see myself moving ahead of time..i see myself racing with the time..

there has been a moment, a moment which i feel is mine..

A victory which i feel is for me.. because everything i do..

will be the best that i can do at this moment where i do!

I am not looking back to what i did.. but i have enjoyed all the moments i have lived!

I look back not at the moments i was sad, i look at those as the moments where i began to smile!

A ray of hope which i know will never ever die... for i will always smile!

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Be yourself!

A passion that is in me.. passion to do something which will be life changing for All,

hearts that will be touched to be a part of this.. a revolution that will be for all of us!

Children will do things they love doing..not things which others may want!

A school..where studies is about learning oneself..not about studying the books written by men who have lost their count on age!

A life which will be lived on their own terms.. a life which they will explore! 

which i will explore.. a life full of creativity and innovation will it be!

There will e no exams..there will be no results.. it will be the best form of learning..

Learning which will enhance our skills, our passion..

Doing things that may be out of the society's books of rules..

But still we do and take the responsibility to fail or pass...

Let the passion run and make the best out of thee, nothing can stop a mind which thinks,.

a heart that feels and a blood that boils in the passion to create a revolution..

to energize the positive and be the person you wanna be!

Rock..and roll.. dance to the tunes you like..sing what your heart says..

feel the difference when you do this.. you will see things happen the way you want..

just channelize it right.. the world will make it happen for you!

Friday, 26 June 2009


Transformation..from an infant to a child and then to an adult..

we undergo a lot many changes..a few we like a few we dont..

but all in all we pass through all..when things are bad..we crumble for a while..

the ones who cry are termed as week, the ones who survive without crying are strong..

is it necessary to judge them all? Are we the ones going through the form?

We may not be, but still we love to comment on what the other person could have been!

All of us have our plates of sorrows, all of us have our shares of happy moments..

everything it good be it bad..nothing can be with us forever!

Be it people you love..or people who brought you in this world..

The gap will be filled and that is how the world goes on.. 

I have to move on..have to be the river where flowing water cannot be stopped..

i explore myself..i move myself..i see myself..and learn what life teaches me..

Live it up..we have just one life..its too short to have the hag ups and fights!

Learn to forgive..learn to forget..cos we always connect for a reason..

Nothing is in our control..Neither your life nor your death..

All you have is the time between life and death..


A little Difference ...

A little difference that we can make, a little smile that we can lend..

small little things that make a huge difference..sounds like we've all got used to the big life!

How very innocently we say that live life king size..but what would define the king size..

can there be happiness in giving? can there be happiness in a small room?

Life can be lived big, if we have the capacity to have a huge heart..

If things are not rationalized and just felt...if things are emoted just the way its felt!

No manipulation, no masks..all that your heart feels..all that you really mean!

How very important it is to very important it is for us to let go?

Life is moving on and we are stuck! Stuck at a place where we dont belong!

Innovate..create..explore..larger things than you can see is the vision which god has seen for US!

Friday, 19 June 2009

Naturally - Change

Changes...seems like a word which makes it feel so difficult!

How would it be if there were no changes..if things were stagnant!

When things get stagnant people get bored, when things change its difficult to adapt!

Why does one make it so complicated..? is it the control on situation that makes us comfortable?

I just wonder..what is it that we all look for?

In a stage where we all look for growth but fear the changes..

When we get a make over done or when we change the look of the house..

Does it feel  as doesnt..feels more comforting! 

What an irony...we all want change..but a change which is in our control..

Not the change where Nature is in control!

Change is a breathing is very needed!

So lets all think on how we can accept the natural change..

not trying to control the situation, the person or the event!

Let it be natural,just the way it is!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009


Looking at a distant from the window i see the moon shine,

its glow is such which lights up the sky..the stars help in to make it look pretty..

The ocean below..the water running...the moons image which is distorted yet its beautiful..

the stars shine with their shadow in the ocean..colouring the ocean ..

A fragile image of a star..its more human...the strong figure..the moving image..

i keep looking at it..trying to capture the look of him..

the waves on the ocean make a soft music play in me..

my heart starts to sing and my feet crave to dance..

the craziness i feel.. looking at the image my heart beats rise..

I try to touch the reflection..and there is just nothing which changes!

Like a child i try to hold the person..not knowing its just an image..

I wake up from there...i run through in the air..feeling the calmness..

feeling the feat start dancing to a tune which only i could hear!

The tune which made me feel that there is someone there!

It may be heart felt so..

I dance my heart..i keep dancing..i sing out a song which i have never heard before!

Until my legs body can take it no longer! 

I see the man..walking towards me..the man who had seen me dance..

he was all that i could remember for when i woke up..


Monday, 1 June 2009

My Journey - An unknown place!

A long road...with trees on both the sides.

A giant house..i look at it from the corner of my eye!

The house, its doors which are colored in brown..a rusted brown

which makes it look old and worn out..but as i go closer..

I see there is some magical feeling that surrounds me :)

I look at the house up and down.. there is a chimney from where there is smoke coming out

fear takes over me..i gain my strength..i push open the door..

and see its filled with all possible things which are years old..

I walk in..caughing and sneezing due to the dust..

looks like it has not been opened for years!

I walk though the door, i see a small pot which is painted..

faint image i can see, looks like there has been some tragedy.

I go up and check the rooms, i see a lady who is sitting at the window..

I take a step back..but she turns around..i try to speak..

But my voice is just not audible..she comes to me with trembling hands!

I look at her as she walks closer..she adjusts her glasses and looks at me..

Those wrinkly eyes..those snowwhite hair..the soft skin..

Oh my god!! I have finally found the lady i had lost years ago!

This is my journey..this is the lady..who means a lot to me!

A beach - A story!

A young beautiful lady with just the perfect shape!

A white sleek gown that she wore..walking at the shore of the sea...

Her golden curly locks which are tied half way..

Her feet leave the impression, as she walks past the shore..

Her long thin waist which shape up in the dress she wore,

Hands which have a bracelet which hangs on her wrist..

A diamond ring shining on one of her fingers..which struck me..there is someone on the other side!

I see a guy..who stands with his hands around her waist,

His jeans folded up showing his feet ..matching her steps..

A man who best suited her..he had a curve which was well built.

His face was one of those which those french men have..

The guy with the perfect voice which had depth!

His hand was just strong enough to carry any weight...

a hand which was soft to touch and made her safe..

The couple walked through the beach..the moon shinning up their face..

its a perfect match that i have seen..a perfect location where i would love to be!

Music plays..a table i see..a candle is i can smell..

This is the place where the man had proposed the lady.. 

This is the place where the lady had finally said a yes..

This is the place where there was silence yet a lot of things were said!

A village!

A large farm, a cart which is almost broken..

an Old windmill..which is still swinging in the air...

The farms which have the smell of the freshness of seeds..

There is just the skeleton of the scare crow which is lying there!

A water pump which is broken...a small cloth swing where the baby sleeps..

women working with their head and half face covered..

Men wear a turbon, and are on fields with their Ox !

Little children play with sticks in the field..

Old ladies sit at the door steps and talk all the evening!

this is the scene which i see while i travel...and makes me feel a little heavy!

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Beautiful Days

Birds and the cool breeze,

small small drops of fog falling from the trees!

Flowers fresh and beautiful leaves...

Feel so overwhelmed to see all of this.

Morning to noon, noon to Night..All the changes that take place in our Life,

As the night comes..birds go back to their nest..all the fun comes to a stanstill,

The moon shines its brightness.the stars shimmer..the water runs in streams,

Everybody sleeps, while i am still awake..with all the beauty..

Again a new day begins...

Change is constant just like day turns to night and back to day again!


Some say life is hard, some say its based on what we expect..

a few say life is a win and win again :)

Some feel life is fun, its about love and all you want..

I wondered..what is life..if it was pre defined..there would be no meaning to live so long!

Who am I? If i learnt by someone elses life!

What am I here it for the fun or the hardships that we go through?

I am not here to define what is life..until i go through all!

My life will be a mystery which will define life is a story..

which only i can read..its a passion which i will live!

Our life is what we make living it every moment!

Things come just to pass away! Every moment will come and go...

be it good,bad or something which take your breathe away!

Live it totally, enjoy it fully..everything is momentary :)

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Happiness is ME

Times when i thought about things but did not say them,
All of us would have gone through the same..once at least in our lifetime i can say..
What would happen if we start being honest to ourselves and say what we feel
not thinking that "how could i think that way?"

I think its a real tough thing when we be open to ourselves!
How is it that we do this ? How is it that we always be in the present..

I have realized it today that what i need to do is to Meditate!
I did that.. i prayed..i told God (inner soul) all that i feel!

I remind myself when i start feeling that i am pondering...
I remind myself to get back to the reality!
To the present i surrender myself and live how exactly i feel!

I just realized that all is written above and i am just a puppet in the hands of God,
The mistakes that i make, the positives that i do.. is all pre-written..
I am just the doer and HE is the one who makes me do all that I do!

Must not stay with guilt for things happened..must not let myself down..
I am just the person who lives with the flow..
I will accept the decisions that life has made for me..

The nature which has brought us the healing touch will be with me..
For i am not alone in this family which god has blessed me with!

The purity of life is like how a child lives.. he does not think of what he does,
He does it till he feels happy.. we all be like kids..innocent and happy..
For life is all but a bundled package of both experience and learning!!

Happiness is ME!

Butterfly :) The color of life!

A small living being...looks like its been colored to make an impact..
its small little eyes..look at the big wide world in a way that no one can see,

The little delicate wings which i painted with Gods joyous mood,
a pink and a blue, some violet some gray.. all in all a beauty that keeps our eyes stick on it..
A little scent it comes to spray, a little life that moves in and out..
sitting on each flower to take the nectar from it,

Life is a beautiful with the colorful creatures god has created for us!
The shades of the flowers, the shades of the trees..
A beautiful Butterfly i can see among all these wonderful creations!

Friday, 29 May 2009

How i learnt...

The blue ocean.. spread vast across..
depth and solitude that it had..the sky spreading its light..
I can see the image of myself..i look at it completely..
I think what is there that i can feel...
A smile i give, a hundred thoughts that run through my mind..
A feeling that accompanied me for a very long time,
I look up the sky.. i pray to keep myself happy..
Got an answer..dont look for happiness elsewhere..
Its in you..just in you! You are happiness, you are life..
You will be the reason for a smile in everyone's life!

I check my shadow..i check again.. i see a shine layering the image!
I now know why that frustration, i now know why the decision
This has changed a lot in me.. and i feel more stronger with this incidence!

Learning things i should and unlearning things that dont need to be a part of me!
This is what i feel is the best part of life!

Cheers :)

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Decisions !!

Decisions in Life…

To make a new decision everyday,

To think of a new beginning every time,

To live with a fear all the time!

Feeling trapped every second of the time,

to keep a smile and never cry!

To end up with a hopeless reply, to know things may never become alright!

Can only go bad to worse with time.

But I shall still keep my spirits high and know that I will win in every life!

To keep up faith in every way,

never to lead a suspicious ray,

Hard to play but good to WIN!! :)

Will always be EVERGREEN !!!

Inspiration :)

It was an early day, a day which inspired me to write!!

Early morning when the sun had not yet risen, dark clouds with a shine in them.. birds chirped around and found their way.

I sat at the window pane and just kept looking at it, admiring the beauty of the early morning turning into a bright day. The birds chirped and the trees swayed, it was a moment which was worth capturing in a picture frame!

A small little bird sat at a distance near the window pane, i looked at it..trying really hard not to move or make a noise which would fear the bird away.. the bird kept moving its head in search of food, i kept looking at it..its beauty was just amazing to look at! The shiny black cover of feathers on it, the yellow contrasting beak that it had, very strong nails to support its little petite body to hold its stay.. the bird was beauty which i can never forget!

The small eyes which were so deep, it had all the thing which people would fall for in just a moment of looking at it.. the soft skin that it had the curvy figure that it had.. i was falling in love with the nature who created this beauty!!

We forget that this is love, this is beauty! A freedom to express the way i wish! A freedom to say the things i mean! Love is all that we have and can give! It requires no money it requires no place. It just require a true heart and feeling which is pure to express!

The nature appeals to those who take the time out to know what the purest form of love is! I am inspired by the nature and the bird that inspired me to take time out to enjoy the beauty that exists every place

Nature..My Institution of Learning.!

While i walked the road, i kept looking at the way the trees welcomed me into them,

The path which was covered with leaves which had fallen down, with some beautiful flowers which had dropped down to give place to small little baby flowers..

The sky spreading its light all through the path that i travel! The birds singing as though they are accompanying me! I walk silently listening to all of them speaking, i understand the language they talk!

I slowly start moving into a small cave like opening.. the darkness, the warmth, the cosy feeling that nature gives is all what they have.. the freedom to express.. the expression which many of us forget to read,

An expression which many of us take it for granted, our lives are all about feelings, emotions, expression and we take all of these for granted!

Nature is our institution of learning! Nature is our mother but do we hear her scream when she feels unprotected! When we cause harm to her? We ignore!

While i walk further inside the cave.. i am reminded of all the hardships that i had gone through my life! But as i keep walking i realize it wouldn’t have been possible to emerge out strong without the help of nature! :)

Nature is our source where we can learn, earn and make our lives a better place to live!

Moving Ahead...

A long silence.. a long pause..a moment of discomfort,

A confused state, a mindless debate..why do i have to say the things i just told!

I am all on my own..i am fighting with myself if things are left to me.. i dint have any option but to choose this day..

I miss the way i thought when i was a little girl who had the way she wanted to do things!

why do people need to need to fight, why is it that there is just no freedom that i strive!

I decide the way.. i decide my life..still i rely on others to say!

why do we need opinion, why dont people say that yes this is what you will get, this is what you deserve!

Why is it so dificult for people to say ” i am sorry”? is it going to make them any shorter? Or is it going to kill them down..

mistakes happen, you realize it and change the way..why is it we still commit the same mistakes.

Is it by default or is it human nature that works that way!

I know the answers to all that i asked..lets just ponder if we are ready to change ourselves!

Are you rady to say “sorry” if you knew you made a mistake? if there was anytime you hurt someone?

I am on a move and i am ready to say a sorry for if i hurt someone this day!

Living life where we spread a smile not a tearful eye!

I am on my way..will you join is what i ask you today!?


A small little girl with eyes that matched the pearls in the ocean,

the brown hair covering her face..her small hands trying to make a mud house at the shore of ocean..

the small feet trying to take the weight of her body!

She looked at the people who passed her way.. there were children who played there, there were horses.

There were all the men adnd women who walked passed her.

An old man who kept looking at her from a distance.. he saw the girl fighting with the wind, with the waves at the shore and all the kids that played there..

The little girl with her small soft hands continued her play.. the old man could not wait,

he went to her..sat close to her and asked her ” hey little angel, what is your aim?”

She looked at him, winked at him and said.. hey granpa.. do you think the world would fit in this house?

The old man said ” no liitle angel..its too small for all to fit! “, she looked at him and continued,

the old man did not know what to do.. he sat with her and said.. what do u want to make this house for?

The little girl stood up and said! This is the house of love!

The house need not be big… but the house still has a lot of love.. my arms are small.. but my heart is big.. i cant hug u all but still you can feel all my love!

the old man looked at her and whispered a small prayer ” he said the world need some hearts like this little angel” let all be insppired and let all know the value of love!

the little girl turned at him and asked granpa why do people compare? why is it that people want to take things away?

grand pa had no answer.. he just smiled and walked away..

the little angel made her mud house and smiled and looked up the sky and said ” here is the house which is made of love!”

Unborn Moments!

Does it mean that we have to make the day longer for it to be balanced?

Do people have the time to say a hi or so in their busy lives? It holds the same with me and you,

we have a day we spend a day but the day is just so normal like everyday,

i believe that there can be a change, where days are made special every time!

I need not have to just ask me..are you ok ?

The kind words, the soft arms..i wait for you to take me away..

The day has come when i will go and to you it feels like its just a joke..

I am away not by my choice but by my fate..

That was what the unborn child had to say!

Live with your dreams, live with your and express to what you are!

It will never come back if this day is gone.. remains a heart which is broken all along..

I only learnt that expression is the best way to say what they mean. :)

The roods look busier everyday, people keep on walking with just one aim..

A Bundle of Joy ..

Small little eyes looking at me,

tiny little hands trying to hold the whole of me,

so cute legs that wanna jump all the time.. the body is just so fragile..

the eyes look at me.. the hands play around.. he is just a day old when i hold that lump in my hand..

The faint voice which is calling me.. the swift movements it makes to feel itself,

the mouth that tries to take in everything.. though its a baby it doesnt care about anything..

He grabs all attention, he takes all my time.. he is the little angel who brights up my life..

When i take him in my hands he looks at me.. he tries to hold my eyes which gaze at him..

he is as tiny , would fit in my arms fold..a small little bundle of happiness that i call!

He yawns in my arms while i cradle him there..i sing or him and he goes to sleep..

I keep looking at him and feel the joy of having him :)

Listening to the Soul…

Listening to the Soul…

The sky which is in faded blue shade, the clouds which have a gray tinge to them,

The air which feels moist, the smell of the watery moist mud..

The trees are dancing in their place, the birds are singing in the air..

A young lady stands at the bay..small kids are running around playing their games,

An old couple sits there holding each other in their arms,

There are fishes which make the water in the sea look colorful .

Small little drops of water soon spread their shower..

We enjoy the rain drops that fall of our face.. little children make paper boats and play..

old people look at the romance that is in the air.. the nature says…

This is the time.. enjoy it to the max..

Leave your work for a little while..enjoy the beauty which is good for your eyes..

Look through the nature, enjoy the expression..

for no man will be able to express his love..the way nature does!

Feel the romance in it..feel the happiness it gives..

And this will be one of the best moments you may have lived till date! :)

The Imperfection in Me ;)

A morning which was just so perfect, a day which started with fun..

the conversations that made no sense,

the laughter that had no end.. the smiling, the gazing all that happened..

life seemed to be at a stage where i found a new me!

The learning that i did, the changes that i made,

I was loosing the person i had been..for it all had come to change a part of me..

I lived not me but what i see..i thought not from heart but what i was taught..

The day came to an end.. i learnt that its not what i have to be..

Just be what i mean.. just be yourself.. not for the world to say "oh how perfect she is"

But accept the imperfection that i was always born with !

I am imperfect and the imperfection is just too perfect for me to learn..

That being true to myself is all that i needed.. my emotions, my depth..

May not be understood by even those who knows me well..but still its me who i am going to live with,

I am the way i it perfect or imperfect..!